Tuesday, July 24, 2007

monkey's bad day

By way of tribute to my marvellous little sister for getting backstage tickets to Lovebox this weekend, thereby enabling me to fulfill a longheld ambition to see The B-52, I give you this little gem of an e-mail she sent me at work today. I'm allowed to do this, if I 'quote [her] literary genius and put a nice pic up', so here she is *evil cackle*

Morning stink

I have just had the worst morning - before I even got to work! Yucko.
I had a baaaaaaaaaad tummy this morning. Then left the house, got on tube which decided not to go anywhere for 10 minutes.

Then, I was standing near some seated bits on the tube, coming to a stop, lady gets up - she is soooooooo fat she barges past me so hard that I FALL OVER because of her fat bum!

And everyone looks at me like I'M the one who should have moved because I'm the skinny one! Pfffft.
Get the Hammersmith. After my bad tummy I think I should get something from Tesco in case I feel like eating. Go to get a danish. Pick one up to let 3 others fall on the floor.

The bakery man looks at me with such disgust I quickly run away.
Walking to work. Go to cross road and knock a cyclist off his bike in doing so.
All in all...poop. In every sense of the word!

Lots of love



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